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Forex, Fx Exposures & TF
24 minutes
Forex, Fx Exposures & TF
24 minutes

SWIFT & LC Issuance Basics
35+ minutes
Our webinars are exceptional!
Short videos are a great way to learn
MT700:DC issuance - Issuance aspects
We will get into the details of the Message series 7 and their fields and validation
MT700:DC issuance - Shipping aspects
This video helps you understand the set relating to movement o f goods
MT700:DC issuance -Payment aspects
Let us now look at the logical aspects of the issuace of documents
MT705 : Pre-advice of DC
MT705: Pre-Advise and MT700:Issuance are compared in this video
MT710 : Advice of Third Bank DC
This video explains MT710 and MT711, Advice of third bank DC
MT740 : Authorization to Reimburse
MT740 deals with the authorization to reimburse

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